April 21 sounds like a good ways off, but not so much when it is the day of your next race and training begins. I'm into week 11 now of a 12 week half marathon training program - see? Eleven weeks doesn't sound like much now, does it? When I look at the program, I can see the weeks just fly by. Gets me excited, and nervous.
Last time, I used a training schedule a friend had given me. It required running only three days a week, gradually increasing mileage, and I feel it was just fine for my very first half marathon. I'm now using a schedule that another friend shared - he is part of a running group using the schedule, and looking to run the same half I am here in Indiana (he's in TN). This schedule runs four days a week up until three weeks before the race. I'm a little nervous about that. The schedule runs M/T/rest/TH/rest/S/rest - lately I've been running with a rest day between each run, so the M/T runs will be interesting. I don't know why that makes me nervous - I guess I worry about injury or burning out. I suppose a big part of doing it will be to just change my mindset. They don't have to be hard runs - I can take those two easy, and just enjoy them.
I am going faster these days, which is fun. In an earlier post, I mentioned how my former neighbor suggested I go at an uncomfortable, fast pace every quarter mile, then back to a comfortable pace. I did that several times on the treadmill since it was easy to see a quarter mile go by on the screen. I honestly think that helped pick up my pace. I ran 4.5 miles yesterday in 39:42. I don't think I can hold that pace for an entire half marathon, in fact, after the first mile of that run, I told myself to be sure NOT to start out the race that fast as I was already feeling a little fatigued. The fatigue wore off and I got into a groove and the faster pace felt pretty natural, but we're talking another (almost) 9 miles on race day. We'll see how the long runs go in training, but I'm not going to push it. I absolutely do not want to
not be able to run the entire half because I tried to run fast and ran out of gas. This still needs to be
So, off to put on the running clothes and head out. Yesterday was supposed to be 4 miles, my route took me 4.5, and today is another 4. Thursday will be 3 miles, then Saturday will be 6. I promise myself to take this run easy today.